Nov 28, 2008

Thief receives free publicity on Billboard

Thief on Billboard
A thief in New Zealand got a big problem! He is now on a huge billboard and there is a $500 reward on his identity! Take a look at the picture above. The unidentified thief, who stole expensive fitting from billboards in New Zealand was photographed by a onlooker in October. The photographer took the picture out of suspicion, as the thief uncoupled 15 electrical transformers from a billboard of OTW Advertising, in Auckland, New Zealand.

When the photographer offered the photograph to the advertising company, Mark Venter, who runs OTW Advertising, came up with an idea to catch the thief. He mounted the photograph of the thief on four huge billboards in the city. The billboard says: "Who is this Thief? Reward $500."

The billboard company is already getting calls from different people. A police Sergent said that many people mentioned the same man as the possible thief and the police is now after him.

This is really an interesting way to catch a thief. What you say? We know what the thief is thinking now? He definitely wants to take the billboards away. But it is probably too heavy for him, as his figure is there in the billboard!


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