Oct 14, 2008

Locate Area Codes

Locate Area Codes
There are al total 372 phone area codes in the the US. So, sometimes it becomes very difficult to remember or find which area codes locate where. That's why I would like to tell you about a service that will help you in finding the exact location of an area code.

The service is called Area Code Locator. In the front page of their site areacodelocator.org, you will be able to see the list of the area codes separated by states. When you will look inside an area code, you will be able to see the exchanges within that particular area code. You will also get information about the location, county, city and zip code related with that area code. So, Locate Area Codes without any hassle!

What's more? On their site, you will be able to perform reverse phone lookup on any phone number. Just enter a phone number and find the basic information about that number such as name and address of the owner, phone carrier etc. try it today.


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