Aug 23, 2008

Big Catfish caught on Toy fishing rod

Can you catch a real and big fish with a toy fishing rod? Surely chances are very less. Well, it is not impossible also! A man in US has actually caught a record-breaking catfish with the help of a Barbie fishing rod.

How it happened? David Hayes and his 3-year-old granddaughter Alyssa were angling in the pond behind his Wilkes County home. Alyssa asked him to hold her 2-and-a-half feet long rod while she nipped to the loo and then the catfish hit the cricket. Hayes struggled for 25 minutes with the pink plastic toy and ultimately caught the 21 lbs, 1oz catfish.

Can you imagine this? A 32 inches long catfish caught with the help of a 30 inch long toy fishing rod! Later, a state fisheries biologist from North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission has certified the big catch as a record. via Ananova


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