Jun 2, 2008

Phoenix uncovers Ice on Mars!

On Saturday, scientists received some new images from the Phoenix Mars Lander. And these new images carried a good news for them! Scientists believes that the lander's powerful thrusters blew away the surface soil and exposed the ice when the craft landed on May 25. It can be seen on the above image, that was taken by Phoenix's Robotic Arm Camera.

NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander reached out and touched the Martian soil for the first time on Saturday, May 31. Scientists said that a more detailed image taken under the lander shows one of the craft's three legs sitting on coarse dirt and a large patch of what appears to be ice, which is possibly 3 feet in diameter.

The final proof that the material is ice could take weeks, but close-up color images that were being taken Saturday could improve the researchers' confidence level, said Horst Uwe Keller, the scientist in charge of the camera on the robotic arm.


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