Jun 4, 2008

Japanese told to go for Quicker bath!

Japanese government told it's people to cut their burgeoning energy consumption and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by quick bath! According to a report, Japanese families should not only shorten their daily showers by a minute but should also try to take baths in quick succession.

Normally, Japanese wash outside the bath tub and then soak in hot water, which is then reused by the next family member. So, the water must be reheated each time if the next person in line dawdles. Hot water use in bathrooms and kitchens accounted for 39 percent of energy consumed in Japanese homes, a stark contrast to European households, where energy is mainly used for air-conditioning and heating, the report said.

Japan is one of the world's most energy-efficient countries and Japanese households consume less energy than their U.S. and European counterparts. But, in recent years the engergy consumption has beed sharply increasing. That's why the govenment is trying to increase public awareness about green house gases and global warming.


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